Friday, March 18, 2016



I have been neglecting this and I am happy to say I AM BACK! Today I am going to share with you what I have learned from the past years and how I have grown to be a stronger person

You might not realize it but THEY will always be there for you no matter what. Regardless of the fact that you fight everyday, don't talk everyday or don't see each other often. Your family will always be there for you. Have you ever have one of those days were you see your friend hug or say I LOVE YOU to their parents!? When was the last time you did this to your parents!? Start doing it NOW! The reason why I say this is, my dad pass away October 2014, it didn't hit me hard a year after. He was so close to me even though we migrated to Canada 16y/o without him. He was my first love. He was the first man who loved me first. Lesson learned, value family

I never use to care what I put in my mouth before and I wish I should've started earlier. How many of you know what's good for your body? There's so many choices out there nowadays and I don't even know which one is good for your body or not. From gluten free to GMO free, organics etc. I alternate from eating chicken (for the most part) or pork and lean ground beef (sometimes) and lots of vegetables. I have also cut down on salt and sugar from past few months. All I can say is I've definitely feel good eating healthier than ever. Try it yourself and you'll be surprise with the outcome.

What I mean by is, meditate! A lot of people prefer to meditate/yoga or exercise/workout. What do you prefer? My fiancé knows martial arts, kendo, and taekwondo. I have learned from him to do stretches before and after working out or going for a power walk. I'm beginning to like yoga so I meditate for few minutes in morning before I start my day

When was the last time you treated yourself? Spa, shopping, going out with friends, have a cocktail, window shopping? Do you know by doing so it can enhance your self esteem and happy as can be?   Easier said than done especially if have priorities in life. Try one day of the week, treat yourself and do whatever your heart desire! Let me know!

I know, I know. How many of you wishes you have your dream job. Well well, its not too late for that. Age doesn't matter when it comes to achieving goals and do what you love and get paid for it? Wouldn't that be awesome? Work sometimes can be stressful and challenging, I've been through that. I have learned how to do standing exercise on my own desk ( I sit often at work ) as per sitting too much is not good for you. I would rather stand in workplace than sit down. My workplace requires a lot of problem solving and you have to be proactive about it. I've learned how to be like that and I adapt it in my personal well being but that didn't help. I try not to bring work at home, vice versa, its my much manageable and less stressful that way.